Monday, August 17, 2009

Library 2 Up and Running Strong

I got to visit our second library in Kilometer 30. Originally constructed by our team in January 2008 and outfitted with furniture and books earlier this year, it is now fully operational. There are two librarian/teachers in the library when it is open. The hours are 2 to 6, Monday through Friday. Susie spends most of her time here since it is even more heavily used than the original library. (Photo above of computer classroom.)

The library is equipped with computers and furniture paid for by funds from an anonymous donor. The tables are rugged, first-quality new tables and the chairs are equally rugged, blue plastic stacking chairs. In the main library there are tables for the smaller kids as well as adult-sized tables. There is a classroom equipped with six computers. There is an additional computer equipped study space in the main part of the library. (Photo at right: Susie Pineda our librarian and JCEP shepherd.)

We still are adding books but as of now have a nice stock. On school days the place is packed. It even had students on this Friday when school had not yet begun the new year.

Outside, the playground equipment is holding up well with the bat slide, teeter-totter and the swing. The soccer field is dirt but is lined with half-buried tires for a boundary. (Photo below: The Bat Slide with JCEP van a Library 2 in the background.)

Next to the library is the house we built last year for the family to watch over the library. So far the security has worked well. The government installed a four-headed overhead streetlight to help as well. There is a Missions Ministries medical clinic on the site as well. It is staffed once per week by a doctor from Juarez. (Photo below: Story time at the new library.)
The whole complex is right next door to the local primary school and is within a short walk of the kindergarten as well. I am assured it has been a great blessing to the area and has become somewhat of a community center.

Thanks to all that have supported JCEP and this effort. You have blessed many families in this poor community. (Photo Below: The tires surround the soccer field.)


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